My Completed Books

Sunday, November 30, 2014


I didn't win NaNoWriMo this year. A lot can happen in November. Thanksgiving, for one. I hope everyone had a happy Holiday! Traveling--and getting hit with power outages due to a storm--cut down on my writing quite a bit. But that's alright. I got plenty written, and editing is just as important as writing.

But even if you "lose" NaNo, you win. Even if all you managed was to write 500 words to begin a story, something is better than nothing, and the knowledge that you can get words down on paper is a powerful motivator. As a kid, I would write out small stories by hand, a million story beginnings that by now are faded and nigh illegible. But that rush, that excitement, that accompanies beginning a story is something I'll never forget.

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