The False Prince, by Jennifer Nielsen, is a fast paced YA adventure story. The story involves three orphan boys who are selected by a loyal duke to eventually take the place of a vanished prince, and bring order to a kingdom that is in disarray due to the recent deaths of the rest of the royal family.
The synopsis makes it sound simple, but there are layers of intrigue in this book that I can't give away because it would spoil the fun. Suffice it to say, a lot is not what it seems in this book.
The main protagonist, Sage, is devious, intelligent, and completely charming. You find yourself rooting for him, especially as the plot comes to a head. He makes or break the book, in my mind, as other characters are not as endearing or as strongly defined. Another weakness here is the world. This is a fantasy book, with kings and princes and dukes and the like, but there is no magic and the details of the world itself are not well-fleshed out. This is no Game of Thrones. If you don't find yourself liking Sage or the twists and turns the plot takes, there isn't much else for a discerning reader of fantasy.
That said, what does occur is entertaining, and seeing Sage's attempts to educate himself in court politics and gentlemanly ways makes for a fun ride. The major plot twist of the book becomes predictable at a certain point, but does so organicallly. I would have liked to have been more surprised, but I honestly can't say if I predicted it because it was done poorly or if I have simply read too many books like this one.
There is a sequel to this book, but at the moment I'm uncertain about starting it. This book ended completely wonderfully with all loose threads wrapped, so I'm not sure what's left. Once I give the sequel a try, though, I'll report back.
The False Prince gets a 7 out of 10. Fantastic characterization with a slightly undeveloped world.
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